elaborate on
- Mr. lou didn 't elaborate on the plans .
- 楼继伟没有详细说明投资计划。
- It declined to elaborate on its kindle arrangement .
- 它拒绝对其kindle协议作出详细解释。
- Can you elaborate on that ?
- 您能详细阐述一下吗?
- Ozawa didn 't elaborate on what aspect of americans made him compare them monocellular organisms a term also used to mean shortsighted or dumb .
- 小泽没有详述到底是那些方面让他觉得美国人堪比单细胞生物,这个词在日本常常被用来形容短视或者愚笨。
- He said cooperation between china and turkey on counter-terrorism might start this year but did not elaborate on the details .
- 他说,中国和土耳其在今年开始在反恐方面进行合作,但没有透露具体细节。
- But as with other potential revenue models under consideration stone would not elaborate on how he 'd use such an opt-in system on twitter .
- 但是至于在考虑中的其他潜在收入模式,斯通不愿详细说明他将如何在twitter上使用这样一个选择系统。
- I will elaborate on this ' third way ' in my next column .
- 在接下来的专栏我将更详细地阐述这个“第三条道路”。
- Mr. teo didn 't elaborate on how the law will differentiate between low-level couriers and more serious offenders .
- 张志贤没有详细谈论这部法律将怎样在低级别运毒跑腿与罪行更严重的罪犯之间做出区分。
- These officials declined to elaborate on the individual 's whereabouts citing ongoing operations but were adamant tuesday he poses no security threat .
- 他们以行动仍在继续为由,拒绝详细透露此人行踪,但这些官员周二坚称此人并不构成安全威胁。
- Such as the tea party that reducing the deficit should be a priority in congress but not the mainstream of the republican party due to take specific measures not elaborate on this issue too small .
- 比如茶党派认为减少政府赤字应该作为国会的首要工作,但主流共和党由于拿不出具体办法,不敢对这个问题阐述过细。