edge out
1. 微微胜过
2. 挤掉
3. 徐徐走出
2. 挤掉
3. 徐徐走出
- Simply put it means state resources backed by political power enter the market and edge out private capital to dominate the market .
- 简而言之,这意味着国家资源是以政治权力为后盾,排挤私人资本,进而主导市场。
- The school is betting that its combination of depth in china and breadth of global business topics thanks to its prominent faculty hires will edge out competitors mr. quelch says .
- 奎尔奇说,中欧国际是押注其在中国的深度和其知名教员团体带来的在全球商业议题上的广度能够胜过竞争对手。
- If so expect them to use their political strength to edge out all their opponents gradually tightening their grip on the country until it becomes suffocating .
- 如果是这样,可以预想他们将利用手中的政治权力排挤对手,逐渐收紧对国家的控制直至其窒息。
- She found that plants living with other unrelated plants grew more roots to try to edge out the other plants for water and nutrients .
- 她发现跟其它不相干的植物生长在一起的植物会有很发达的根系,它们试图排挤掉其它植物以获取更多的水分和养料。
- The world 's biggest semiconductor maker yesterday was fined a record $ 1.45 billion by european regulators for allegedly using its dominance to edge out rivals a decision that has cast a spotlight on similar investigations by u.s. antitrus
- 世界上最大的半导体制造商英特尔昨日被欧洲相关监管机构处以创记录的14.5亿美元罚款,原因据说是其利用在市场上的主导地位排挤竞争对手,这一处罚决定使得美国反垄断监管机构对英特尔的类似调查成为关注的焦点。
- I didn 't want him to get mad and take them back . I 'm gonna edge out chandler !
- 我不想惹火他,收回他说的话。我快要顶替钱德的位置了。
- In the long run technologies that get cheaper can be expected to edge out a technology that has only ever got more expensive .
- 以长远计,变得便宜的技术会挤掉那些变得昂贵的技术。
- For millions of users mobile devices like cellphones are beginning to edge out pcs as the tool of choice for many computing tasks .
- 对几百万用户来说,像拥有计算功能的手机这样的移动装置正开始代替电脑,成为另一种可供选择的工具。
- The group clearly thinks it sensible to edge out of the shadow of the beleaguered syrian regime its main sponsor and become more friendly with egypt 's new order where the muslim brothers are on the rise .
- 这个组织认为慢慢退出其主要赞助者叙利亚政权的阴影是明智的,并且更适应埃及的新状况,在这里穆斯林兄弟会的人数也在不断增加。
- Second the growth increasingly comes from consumption by latin americans themselves as tens of millions edge out of poverty and benefit from newly available credit .
- 其次,因子千万人民脱离贫困并受益于刚提出的贷款方案,拉美国家本身的消费力正逐步成长。