drag down
- Index heavyweights drag down shocks real estate financial plate sharp decline .
- 权重股拖累的冲击,房地产金融板块大幅下跌。
- A moderation in china could drag down growth in commodity - exporting nations including australia which grew at half the pace economists forecast in the fourth quarter .
- 中国产值增长缓慢会拖制商品出口国的经济增长,包括澳大利亚在内,其第四季度的经济增长只达到经济学家预测的一半。
- That would drag down the rest of the world economy and probably bring stocks below their spring 2009 post-lehman lows .
- 这会拖垮世界其它地区的经济,或许还会将股市打压到2009年春天后雷曼(lehmanbrothers)时代的低点以下。
- Men drag down the average though .
- 但男性拉低了平均值。
- Not only will the boom end in a cyclical bust but inefficient investment will also drag down china 's long-term growth rate .
- 不但这次的投资热会在周期性的泡沫中结束,而且无效的投资也会将中国的长期增长率拖下来。
- Its share price duly tumbled on august 14th helping to drag down the market .
- 同时8月14日沃尔玛的股价也“应声”下挫,顺带拖累了市场。
- As two-fifths of exports are shipped to the euro zone recession there will drag down britain 's economy as well .
- 而英国五分之三的出口运往欧元区,因而欧元区的衰退也会拖累英国。
- Even if energy costs don 't rise higher lingering uncertainty over the stability of the middle east could drag down growth not just in the united states but around the world .
- 即使能源成本不再增加的更多,中东地区前途未卜的形势也会拖经济增长的后腿,这将不会仅仅影响到美国,而是会波及全世界。
- Spain is a far larger problem than greece and it could drag down italy and perhaps even france .
- 西班牙存在的问题远比希腊严重,且很可能将意大利,甚至法国拉下水。
- Worries about how european government debt might drag down a global recovery halted a four-day winning streak tuesday .
- 外界担忧欧洲政府主权债务可能拖累全球经济复苏,导致美国股市周二开盘后终止了连续四天上扬的势头。