down on
- But his security service is still cracking down on tripoli 's restive suburbs .
- 但卡扎菲手下的安全局仍然在打击的黎波里周边不稳定因素。
- Westminster council and the police started cracking down on such haunts after the murder .
- 在这起谋杀案后西敏区委员会和警署开始着手取缔这些场所。
- One photographer lay down on the floor to get a shot up my skirt .
- 一个摄影师竟然躺在地上抓拍我的裙底春色。
- Will investment bankers be plummeting from the windows down on wall street ?
- 会有投资银行家头冲下从华尔街的某个窗口蹦出来吗?
- While we struggle to cut down on our consumption of fossil fuels bottled water increases them .
- 当我们竭尽全力减少对化石燃料的消耗时,瓶装水却在使之增加。
- British prime minister david cameron contemplated cracking down on social media after the 2011 london riots .
- 英国首相戴维卡梅隆在2011年伦敦骚乱之后也开始考虑是否在必要时关闭社交网站。
- That would require doubling down on austerity .
- 要达到这个目标需要对紧缩政策加倍下注。
- It might also cut down on flexibility by forcing companies that have used tailor-made products to use blunter instruments .
- 这种做法可能还会降低灵活性那些过去使用定制产品的公司将被迫转而使用较为低级的工具。
- Chinese authorities have struggled to clamp down on tainted products .
- 中国官方已就取缔有问题产品进行据理力争。
- Perhaps having taxpayers sign their forms before filling them out would cut down on that stretching .
- 也许让纳税者填写申报表前先签名可以削减这部分延伸的差额。