distinct from
基本解释adj. 不同于N
1. 与...截然不同
2. 不同于
2. 不同于
- This is distinct from psychosis a group of mental illnesses including schizophrenia .
- 这和包括精神分裂症在内的一系列精神疾病的精神病是不同的。
- There is no common boundary at which the syllables join but each is separate and distinct from the rest .
- 音节之间没有结合的共同边界,而且每一音节都和其它音节是分离的和截然不同的。
- These cave spiders are otherwise distinct from trogloraptor suggesting their claws evolved independently .
- 这些穴居蜘蛛在其它方面与trogloraptor蜘蛛不同,表明他们的脚爪是独自进化的。
- The mural also showcases the unique maya calendar which was wholly distinct from the calendar used by the mexica .
- 壁画同样展示了玛雅人的独特历法,这与阿兹特克人的历法有着明显的不同。
- The entertainment industry attracts the creative caste distinct from the hollywood elite who work in the industry 's satellite businesses from editing to costume design to photography .
- 娱乐业引来了创意产业的人士,不同于好莱坞的精英们,这些创意人士工作在娱乐业的周边产业,从事着从服装设计到摄影的各种工作。
- Thus learning effects are theoretically distinct from scale effects even if in practice they my be hard to differentiate due to e.g. uncertainty and causal ambiguity .
- 所以理论上学习效应和规模效应不同,尽管实际操作中由于不确定性和模糊的因果关系可能很难区分它们。
- But in the past they have been distinct from militants in the tribal areas and to some extent controlled by pakistan 's armed forces .
- 但是在过去,他们是有别于部落地区的好战分子的,而且在某种程度上在巴基斯坦武装部队的控制之下。
- Drawing upon primarily western theological sources augustine and aquinas each offer a doctrine of deification that is distinct from eastern conceptions .
- 若主要从西方神学来看,有奥古斯丁和爱奎那,他们都教导了与东方观念不同的神化教导。
- Of or relating to animal life as distinct from plant life .
- 动物性的动物性的或与动物性相关的,区别于植物的。
- This trend is distinct from the round of closures in 2008 .
- 此时的情形完全不同于2008年那轮倒闭风潮。