day by day
1. 日复一日
2. 一天一天地
3. 一天天地,逐日
4. 日见
2. 一天一天地
3. 一天天地,逐日
4. 日见
- Day by day the damage that the nuclear accident has wrought on japan 's economy its psyche and its global image is growing .
- 核事故给日本经济、国民心理及其全球形象带来的破坏正日益加剧。
- Culturally you live life day by day .
- 从文化上说,生活也是一天天地过。
- A team of french climate scientists analysed last winter 's european weather day by day .
- 法国的一队气候学家对去年欧洲的天气经行了逐日分析。
- With goodwill and imagination the g20 leaders can commit themselves to a co-ordinated co-operative solution to the financial crisis that day by day is sweeping across the developing world .
- 怀着善意和想象力,g20领导人可以承诺采取协调合作的方法,解决日渐席卷整个发展中世界的金融危机。
- In addition the city cuts off the water broadly power cut the coal gas is let out the coal gas explodes road and bridge collapse many people are poisoned at the same time the frequency happening in these accidents has the tendency to increase da
- 除此外,城市中大范围停水、断电、煤气泄漏、煤气爆炸、道路桥梁坍塌,群体中毒事故等等发生的频率也有日益增多的趋势。
- He has also had a bellyful . The licensing processes are becoming more difficult day by day he says .
- 但是他也是一肚子苦水,因为获得许可证的过程一天比一天难。
- The move to digital media is increasing day by day mr. gupta said because you are connecting directly with the customer .
- “向数码媒介的迁移一天比一天多”,gupta先生说,因为“那样你就可以直接和顾客联系。”
- ' Current conditions are not really conducive for issuers . The general world economic outlook is uncertain . Market sentiments can shift day by day which makes pricing very difficult ' said teresa ma a partner in linklaters 's sha
- 年利达律师事务所(linklaters)上海律所合伙人马嘉明说,眼下的状况确实不利于股票发行,全球整体经济前景并不明朗,市场情绪每天都在变化,很难确定股票发行价。
- Day by day the majority of us have a painful war with ourselves .
- 日复一日,我们中的大多数人都在与自己做着艰苦卓绝的斗争。
- Day by day she learned more about her new job .
- 她日益了解自己的新工作。