cut out for
- I 'm not cut out for domesticity .
- 我不适合过家庭生活。
- L 'm not cut out for this !
- 我不能因为这样就不回!
- Hubert joly who took the helm of best buy in september has his work cut out for him .
- 对9月份接过百思买帅印的乔利(hubertjoly)来说,这份工作就是为他量身订做的。
- She 's not cut out for it .
- 因为她也没这个料。
- I 'm not cut out for city life .
- 我本来就不适应城市的生活。
- She is cut out for that job .
- 她停止了那份工作。
- I 'm really cut out for this work .
- 我确实能胜任这份工作。
- We 've got our work cut out for us to-night .
- 我们得把今晚的工作分配一下。
- I don 't think I 'm cut out for politics .
- 我信为我不是搞政治的材料。
- I just don 't think I 'm cut out for music .
- 我想我根本就不是搞音乐的料。