curl up
1. (使)蜷曲
2. 卷起
3. 蜷伏
4. 旋绕
- His bed is short . I have to curl up to sleep .
- 儿子的床很短,我得蜷缩着身体睡。
- The air is getting colder and I just want to curl up and hibernate .
- 空气越来越冷,我只想蜷缩起来冬眠。
- The more we curl up the more comfort we 're seeking he says .
- 菲普斯说,我们蜷起来的越厉害,就表示我们想寻求更多的舒适感。
- She 's got mona 's eyes or mona 's got hers : huge angry eyes with lashes that curl up at the ends .
- 她的眼睛和莫娜的一模一样,或者说莫娜的和她的一模一样;大大的愤怒的眼睛,眼睫毛在末梢处卷起来。
- There is always some simple secrets don 't want to be known to keep in mind but missjust as those who secretly gave who belong to the brim irrigation good heat curl up .
- 总有一些朴素的秘密不想被人知却要时刻挂念在心头就像那些偷偷给谁灌好的水杯满满当当热气缭绕。
- If the weather is cold and wet and food scarce they save energy by going into torpor they curl up into a ball and go to sleep .
- 如果天气寒冷潮湿,食物又短缺,榛睡鼠会用“休眠”的方式节省能量它们将身体蜷成一团,沉沉入睡。
- I curl up on the bed and stare at the doughnut the way the light glistens off the filling until I fall asleep .
- 我蜷缩在儿子的床上,瞪着闪闪发光的油面圈,渐渐就睡着了。
- Curl up in a favorite chair at some point after you return home from work and spend at least a half-hour reading a book purely for pleasure .
- 在你下班回家后的某一时刻蜷缩在最喜欢的椅子上,为自己纯粹的消遣花至少半小时阅读书本。
- I like to curl up with a story book .
- 我喜欢蜷曲而卧着看故事书。
- He fawning manner whenever the boss is around just makes me curl up .
- 每当老板在时,他那摇尾乞怜的样子真使我恶心。