cover in
- It rained so hard we had to take cover in a shop doorway .
- 雨下得太大了,我们只得在商店出入口处避雨。
- Tree cover in southern niger for example has increased tenfold since the devastating droughts of the 1970s .
- 例如自从上世纪70年代的恶劣的旱灾以来,尼日尔南部的林木覆盖率就增长了十倍。
- On newsweek 's cover in 2005 after he became mayor in a landslide victory the title was a latin power surge .
- 2005年,他以压倒性胜利赢得了市长竞选,新闻周刊封面报导标题为“拉丁裔权利新星”。
- Extending the statutory provisions to cover in generic terms provision of financial assistance to directors .
- 将法定条文的适用范围扩大至普遍地包括给予董事的财政资助。
- Lost more than half its coral cover in the past 27 years a new study shows .
- 一项新的研究显示,澳大利亚大堡礁的珊瑚覆盖率在过去27年里已经损失一半多。
- If being chased through town you can usually take cover in a passing st. patrick 's day parade - at any time of the year .
- 如果在城里被人追赶,你总能以经过的圣派特里克节日游行队伍作掩护,不管是一年中什么时候。
- Low densely tufted perennial herb of turkey having small white flowers ; used as a ground cover in dry places ; sometimes included in genus matricaria .
- 土耳其多年生低矮密集丛生草本植物,开白色小花;干燥地区用作地被;有时归入母菊属。
- Insert cowl panel cover in the radiator tank and align .
- 将前围板罩板插入散热器油箱并对齐。
- The researchers created a computer model simulating the impact on weather patterns of a gradual reduction of winter ice cover in the barents-kara sea north of scandinavia .
- 研究人员制造了一个电脑模型,用来模拟在斯堪的纳维亚北部的巴伦支海不断减少冬季冰雪覆盖的情况下,对气候类型产生的影响。
- We scattered for cover in the bombing .
- 轰炸时我们分散掩蔽。