by halves
基本解释部分地, 不完全地
- Things done by halves are never done right .
- 事情做得不彻底,就不能算好。
- He is not a person to do things by halves .
- 他不是一个做事半途而废的人。
- They never do nothing by halves .
- 他们做什么事情都有始有终。
- They do nothing by halves .
- 他们做什么都很彻底。
- A child must never do anything by halves .
- 小孩做事不可半途而废。
- Doing something by halves is to do something partially or incompletely .
- 做事半途而废,就是做某件事只做一部分,不做完。
- Q whatever you do do with your might ; things done by halves are never done right .
- 不论做什么事要尽力去搞;事情做得不彻底,就不能算好。
- Whatever you do do with your might ; things done by halves are never done right .
- 不论做什麽事要尽力去搞;事情做得不彻底,就不能算好。
- He 's either lazy or disorganized for he always does things by halves .
- 他不知是懒惰还是没有规律因为他做事总是半途而废。
- Last but not least we shouldn 't do things by halves .
- 最后还有一件重要的事就是,我们做事不应半途而废。