by comparison
- Three things make these alternative approaches attractive by comparison .
- 相比而言,这些途径颇具吸引力有三层原因。
- By comparison china has little to offer .
- 相比之下,中国拿得出手的东西不多。
- Emerging markets have looked relatively sober by comparison .
- 相形之下,新兴市场看起来相对节制。
- Martin and douglas 's offering was a pup by comparison .
- 相比之下,马丁和道格拉斯公司提供的轰炸机显得非常稚嫩。
- Many of the national pavilions are lacklustre and unimaginative by comparison .
- 相比之下,许多国家展馆显得缺乏生气和想象力。
- Hbs looks unnecessarily exclusive by comparison .
- 相比之下哈佛的惟我独尊就显得毫无必要。
- All other current account imbalances pale by comparison .
- 与这二者相比,其它经常项目失衡都相形见绌。
- Private companies by comparison operate behind a veil of secrecy .
- 相比之下,私营企业的运营隐匿在神秘的面纱后面。
- No man is happy but by comparison .
- 人的幸福都是比较而言的。
- He looks older by comparison .
- 比较起来,他显得老些。