buy off
- It 's illegal to buy off tramps anyway .
- 反正收买乞丐是违法的。
- It is not foolproof : not even the rich can buy off all hazards and rich countries and individuals will make poor decisions .
- 虽然这也不是万无一失的:有钱人不可能买通所有危害,有钱的国家和个人也会做出错误的决定。
- Arbitrary land laws allow local governments to cheat farmers by underpaying them for the agricultural plots they buy off them for development . And many of the proceeds end up in the pockets of officials .
- 专横的土地法使得地方政府可以欺诈农民,其通过从农民手中低价购买农地用于开发,且其许多收益流向了官员的腰包。
- It 's cheaper to buy off the peg .
- 买成品衣服要便宜一些。
- Arbitrary land laws allow local governments to cheat farmers by underpaying them for the agricultural plots they buy off them for development .
- 草率的土地法使得地方政府可以欺骗农民,低价收购耕种地而谋求发展。
- They also say that no matter what went wrong the fed under chairman greenspan would save the day by creating enough cheap money to buy off trouble .
- 他们还说,不论出了什么问题,格林斯潘执掌的美储储总会通过创造足够多廉价货币收买的方法来化解困境。
- The russian government will find it easier to buy off impoverished pensioners and to take tough positions on a range of international issues from the future of kosovo to america 's plans for missile defence in europe .
- 俄罗斯政府也会感到更容易收买贫困交加的养老金领取者,以及在一系列国际问题上采取强硬立场,例如科索沃的前途和美国驻欧导弹防御计划等。
- The thief tried to buy off the policeman but he did not succeed .
- 这贼企图贿赂警察,但他未达到目的。
- Rulers with resource wealth can try to buy off their young .
- 拥有资源财富的统治者能够设法收买本国的年轻人。
- I 'll buy off the investigators .
- 我将收买调查者。