board in
- After that they 'll look at our english club information board in the library .
- 那之后,他们将在图书馆看我们的英国俱乐部信息董事会。
- Chinese exports to developed economies weakened across the board in november .
- 中国对发达经济体的出口在11月普遍转弱。
- They were drawing patterns on the board in coloured chalks .
- 他们正用彩色粉笔在板上描绘图案。
- But mr. schmidt resigned from apple 's board in august amid scrutiny by regulators and increasing business overlap .
- 不过,由于监管部门的审查以及两家公司日益出现业务重叠,施密特在8月辞去了苹果董事职位。
- He was actually declared terminal by the most trusting parole board in history and was granted his freedom .
- 历史上最无脑的假释委员会竟然宣布他是艾滋病晚期患者,将他释放了。
- Chinalco will receive one seat on rio 's board in return for its investment and have the right to appoint another at a later date .
- 作为对其投资的回报,中国铝业将在力拓的董事会获得一个席位,并有权在稍后日期委任另一名董事。
- A little-known company working to open the u. to telecommunications gear made by china 's huawei technologies co.has added a pair of dignitaries to its board in an attempt to address the security concerns around huawei .
- 一家帮助中国华为技术有限公司打开美国电信设备市场的不知名的公司聘请了两位重量级人物加入其董事会,试图解决围绕华为的安全问题担忧。
- The world bank group opened our new office in yangon this july with a new two-year interim strategy approved by our executive board in october .
- 世界银行集团去年7月在仰光开设了新的办事处,其执行董事会在10月批准了一个新的为期两年的对缅甸中期捐助战略。
- He sends the cheque for & 35 to the electricity board in leeds who in turn pay it into their account at their bank .
- 他把这张35英镑的支票寄给里兹的电力局。电力局又把这张支票存入他们在开户行的帐上。
- That rate is posted on the bulletin board in the lobby as required by bank rules .
- 按照银行规定,这个比率表就贴在大厅里的公告板上。