at the rate of
- Now we look at the rate of change in the volume of hell .
- 现在,我们计算下地狱里的交换率。
- She churns out novels at the rate of three a year .
- 她以一年三本的速度粗制滥造地写小说。
- Another shows the rail depot where a long line of carriages is filled automatically from conveyors at the rate of a tonne a second .
- 另一个显示的是货运站,那里有长长的一排矿车,运送机正以一吨每秒的速度自动将煤装入矿车中。
- Interest at the rate of 8 % per annum will be chargeable on any outstanding account from its due date .
- 对于任何拖欠的款项应按8%的年利率自到期日起计收利息。
- At first sight this seems crazy . The muons in question drizzle down from the atmosphere at the rate of only one per square centimetre a minute .
- 乍一看,这似乎显得有点疯狂,问题是穿过大气层的μ子的速率每分钟每平方厘米只有一个。
- The country has added jobs at the rate of a little more than 1 % a year says china expert nick lardy of the peterson institute for international economics .
- 彼得森国际经济研究所(petersoninstituteforinternationaleconomics)中国专家拉迪(nicklardy)称,中国每年的工作岗位增加率略高于1%。
- America was in a downward economic spiral when he took over with its banks and carmakers in deep trouble and unemployment rising at the rate of 8 00000 a month .
- 当他接手时美国的经济正处于螺旋下降过程中,银行业和汽车制造业深陷困局,失业人数以80万一月的速度增加。
- It was a little spiky thing that threw out dozens of arms and covered these arms with green and grew larger at the rate of about an inch every two seconds .
- 那是一种长而尖的小东西,身上长出几十支手臂,上面班盖着绿色之物,而且以每两秒钟一寸的速度增大。
- Any money earn over that level is taxed at the rate of 59 per cent .
- 超过这一数额的收入以59%的比率纳税。
- Local income tax shall be computed on the taxable income at the rate of three percent .
- 地方所得税,按应纳税的所得额计算,税率为3%。