appeal to
1. 上诉
2. 呼吁,要求
3. 吸引某人
4. 呼吁,恳求
5. 恳求
6. 要求
- To succeed it must appeal to the emotions rather than to reason .
- 为达目的,它一定要诉诸人的情感而不是理性。
- The doves appeal to softer emotions .
- 鸽派则求助于柔情策略。
- Everything was designed to appeal to the market segment .
- 一切都是为了吸引这一市场领域。
- Britain is gradually losing its appeal to high-earning foreigners .
- 英国正逐渐失去对高薪外国人的吸引力。
- And president nicolas sarkozy launched a grand appeal to rebuild france .
- 并且nicolassarkozy总统发起了重建法国的盛大的呼吁。
- Or it 's simply an appeal to relevancy and youth .
- 或是单纯的吸引与之相关的人和年轻人。
- Both outfits are bulking up in areas likely to appeal to americans .
- 这两家公司都在增大能吸引美国读者的板块。
- Both these things appeal to him .
- 这两样都对他有吸引力。
- How do seps appeal to small business owners ?
- seps是如何吸引小的商业所有者的?
- Nor does it appeal to the bloggers in beijing .
- 它对北京的博主们也没有吸引力。