allude to
- The memo raises questions about why mr. buffett didn 't allude to the possible violation of his own policy when on march 30 he revealed details of the trades .
- 备忘录引发了质疑,人们质疑巴菲特为何在3月30日披露交易细节时没有提到这可能违反了自己制定的政策。
- We want wine to allude to the ground in which the grapes were grown ; we want the complexities of flavor to unfold like a story after the suspenseful swirl of the glass and the foreshadowing deep inhale .
- 我们想让葡萄酒来暗指种植了葡萄的土地;我们想让味道的复杂性就像一个故事那样展开,以悬疑的玻璃杯中的漩涡和深吸气做铺垫。
- Mr obama seemed to allude to such a view when he said if I had a son he would look like trayvon .
- 奥巴马似乎暗示自己赞同这种假设,因为他说,“如果我有个儿子,他长得会跟特雷万一样”。
- Hachigian and sutphen also allude to the dangers of intra-asian conflicts and how they might be exploited by outside forces ; one asia expert is quoted on india 's fear of a situation where the us will fight china to the last indian .
- 哈奇格恩和萨特芬也暗示了亚洲内部发生冲突的危险,以及这一冲突被外部势力利用的可能性;她们的著作引用了一位亚洲专家的话,表明印度担心出现“美国让印度同中国战斗到底”的局面。
- The fdi and export numbers allude to the former .
- 外商直接投资和出口数据都说明发生了资本逃离。
- Don 't allude to his father 's death when you meet him .
- 当你和他见面时,不要提到他父亲的死。
- You mustn 't allude to his baby 's death when you meet john .
- 你遇见约翰时,不可提到他小孩去世的事。
- Many passagesinscripture allude to this concept .
- 圣经中有许多经文间接地提到这样的概念.
- Others allude to history in more subtle ways .
- 其他人则用更微妙的方式暗指这段历史。
- Can food convey meaning sometimes complex and multiple meanings and allude to larger narratives ?
- 食物可以传达意义,一些复杂、多样的意义,暗指更大的叙事吗?