advance on
- Advance on breeding of chestnut dwarf rootstock in china .
- 板栗矮化砧木选育研究进展。
- Can I download maps in advance on my touch for use offline ?
- 我能否提前在我的touch上下载地图,在没有网络的情况下使用?
- That would be a real advance on polypropylene and sheep 's gut .
- 相对于聚丙烯和羊肠子来说,这的确是一个进步。
- We expect payment in advance on first orders .
- 我们希望第一次订货要求预付货款。
- At least to date the reporting from within gaza indicates that each new israeli air strike or advance on the ground has increased popular support for hamas and anger against israel in gaza .
- 迄今为止来自加沙的所有报告都表明,以军每一轮空袭或地面推进过后,加沙居民对哈马斯的支持和对以色列的愤恨都在增加。
- Advance on induced resistances of rice blast .
- 水稻稻瘟病诱导抗病性的研究进展。
- He deeply resented not having been briefed in advance on my secret trip to china .
- 我的秘密中国之行事先没有通知他,对此他深为不满。
- Past american presidents have usually insisted in advance on some concrete achievements from their trips overseas .
- 过去美国总统通常都预先坚持一些来自海外旅程的具体成果。
- Government forces continued to advance on benghazi the rebel 's capital in the east and people fleeing nearby ajdabiya said troops were shelling and conducting assaults in the afternoon .
- 利比亚政府军继续在反叛军首府班加西东部地区挺进,从阿贾达比亚附近地区逃离的人们说政府军下午的时候仍在进行轰炸和袭击活动。
- You should have told your mother truthfully that I bought it with an advance on my salary at the factory .
- 你应当老实对母亲说,这是我预支了厂里的薪水买的。