accept as
- Paper which a bank will accept as security for a loan .
- 银行可作贷款抵押接受的票据。
- This would violate rules about what the ecb can accept as collateral .
- 这将违反有关欧洲央行可以接受哪些东西作为抵押品的规则。
- The constructor method should accept as parameters the account number and name .
- 建造者方法应该作为参数接受帐号和名字。
- He would not accept as authoritative the answers which the adults about him offered in response to his questions .
- 他不认为周围的那些成年人对他提出的问题给予的回答是绝对可信的。
- We accept as fair sacrifice .
- 我们接受这是一个公平的牺牲。
- Mr netanyahu 's officials vaguely accept as a goal that an agreement on territory and security should be struck within a year as the quartet suggested .
- 内塔尼亚胡的官员们含糊地“接受了这一目标”根据四方计划的设想,在一年内就领土和安全问题达成协议。
- He will accept as proof an authenticated inscription more than 50 symbols long .
- 他会接受一个经过验证的长度超过50个符号的铭文作为证明。
- Cautious national galleries stringently buy and accept as gifts only museum quality works .
- 行事谨慎的国立美术馆严格购买和接受那些“符合博物馆质量要求”的作品。
- The love can ever lose is a fact that we cannot accept as truth .
- 爱有时也会失败,这是我们无法接受的真理。
- The answer that scientists now accept as correct is : atomic energy .
- 科学家如今能够接受的正确答案是;原子能。