- affective categorizing情感概念化
- affective fixation情感固着
- fixation of affect情感固结
- emotional action情感活动
- hyperaffectivity情感过强
- hypothymia情感减退
- hypoaffectivity情感减弱
- Emotion structure情感结构
- Emotional Communication情感交流
- emotional involvement情感卷入
- emotional experience情感经验
- affective flattening情感冷淡
- emotion control情感控制
- emotion情感联想
- flattening of affect情感冷漠
- emotion logic情感逻辑
- bipolarity of affective情感两极性
- affective ambivalence情感矛盾
- emotional anesthesia情感麻木
- emotional content情感内容
- simulated scene training情感模拟训练情境模拟训练
- inversion of affective情感逆转
- anthropopathy情感拟人说
- feeling curve情感曲线
- affectional tie情感纽带
- athymia情感缺乏
- affectional drive情感驱力
- emotion absence情感缺失
- affection less character情感缺乏性格
- felt conflict情感上的冲突
- affective deterioration情感衰退
- discharge of affect情感释放情感释放
- cathexis情感投注
- emotion feature情感特征
- emotional behavior情感行为
- fading of affect情感消退
- affective feeble情感型智弱
- affective amnesia情感型失忆症
- emotion情感性
- affective epilepsy情感性癫痫
- thymogenic情感性的
- affect hunger情感性饥饿
- affect fantasy情感性幻想
- Affective psychosis情感性精神病
- thymopathy情感性疾病
- affective stupor情感性木
- emotional divorce情感性离婚
- affective study情感性学习
- thymopathic personality情感性人格
- mutitas pathematica情感性哑
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method