- adolescent medicine青春期医学
- salad days青春少年之时
- pre-puberty青春前期
- late youth青春晚期
- puberal growth stage青春生长期
- hebephrenictype青春型
- puberty glands青春腺
- glaucosis青光眼盲
- hebephrenic schizophrenia青春型精神分裂症
- Youth青年期
- adolescent subculture青年次文化
- adolescent identity formation青年期同一性形成
- adolescent characteristics青年期特征
- adolescent needs青年期需要
- adolescent crisis青年期危机
- adolescent depression青年期抑郁
- adolescence moratorium青年期延缓
- adolescent society青年社会
- preadolescence青年前期
- youth culture青年文化
- social psychology of adolescence青年社会心理学
- early adolescence青年早期
- psychology of the youth青年心理学
- mind of juvenile defendant青少年被告人心理
- teenager青少年
- adolescent growth spurt青少年发育急速期
- adolescent growth spurt青少年发育徒增
- psychology of juvenile delinquency青少年犯罪心理学
- growth of youth青少年发展
- adolescent青少年期
- juvenile psychosis青少年精神病
- intellectualization in adolescence青少年期的理智化
- imaginary audience in adolescence青少年期的假想观众
- adolescent insanity青少年期精神错乱
- Inventory of Piaget's Development Task青少年认知测验
- theories of adolescence青少年期理论
- Adolescent psychology青少年心理学
- juvenile years青少年时代
- youth self report青少年自陈报告
- adolescent behavior青少年行为
- Juvenile delinquency青少年罪犯
- moron轻度低能
- cyanopsia青视症
- paraphobia轻度恐怖
- paraphora轻度精神障碍
- low grade defective轻度身心缺陷
- MBD轻度脑障碍
- mild mental retardation轻度智能不足
- high grade defective轻度心智缺陷
- eclysis轻昏厥
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method