- cognitive theory of emotion情绪认知理论
- operation情绪适应
- emotional disorder情绪失常
- two factor theory of emotion情绪双因素论
- emotion releasing情绪释放
- emotional conditioning情绪条件作用
- emotional trait情绪特征
- dimension情绪维度
- paralepsy情绪突变
- emotional type of character情绪型性格
- information processing theory of emotion情绪信息加工理论
- emotional epilepsy情绪性癫痫
- emotiometabolic情绪性代谢的
- emotional insulation情绪性孤离
- emotiomotor情绪性动作的
- emotional bias情绪性偏见
- emotiomuscular情绪性肌肉活动的
- emotional behavior情绪性行为
- emotional glucosuria情绪性糖尿
- cathartic method of emotion情绪宣泄法
- emotional handicap情绪性障碍
- emotional attachment情绪依恋
- the mood pressure情绪压力
- emergency theory of emotion情绪应急论
- emotion directed behavior情绪引导行为
- emotional re enactment情绪再演
- emergency theory of emotion情绪应急说
- criminal theory of emotional disorder情绪障碍犯罪说
- emotionally disturbed child情绪障碍儿童
- Emotion disorder情绪障碍
- conversion of emotion情绪转化
- emotional support情绪支持
- theory of multiplicity of affections and desires情欲多途说
- emotional blocking情绪阻扰
- catathymic amnesia情综性遗忘
- theories of affections and desires情欲论
- badly off穷的
- thunderclap晴天霹雳似的消息
- commissure of the fornix穹窿连合
- dome穹窿
- Thalamus丘脑
- Mound丘
- nonspecific thalamocortical projection system丘脑财げ惴翘匾焱渡湎低
- specific thalamocortical projectionstem丘脑财げ闾匾焱渡湎低
- subthalamus丘脑底部
- thalamic animal丘脑动物
- subthalamic nucleus丘脑底核
- nucleus medialis thalami丘脑内侧核
- ventrolateral thalamus丘脑腹外侧核
- thalamocortical丘脑皮层的
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method