- five element evolutions五运
- five emotions五志
- Wuzi Yanzong Wan五子衍宗丸
- heat syndromes induced by the five emotions五志化火
- Eduardine午贝甲素
- Iso-Shinonomenine午贝丙素
- Eduardinine午贝乙素
- Siesta午后小睡
- tidal fever in the afternoon午后潮热
- napping午睡
- wushicha granules;wushicha keli午时茶颗粒
- hot fire武火
- Gymnema P.E武靴藤提取物
- Gymnemic Acids武靴藤酸
- Pentose Phosphate (Hexose Mono Phosphate) Pathway戊糖磷酸 (己糖单磷酸) 途径
- dancer舞蹈演员,跳舞者
- Pentose Phosphate Pathway,History of戊糖磷酸途径的历史
- Hepatitis E戊型病毒性肝炎
- glutaconate戊烯二酸,戊烯二酸根、酯、盐
- fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl芴甲氧羰基[可用作氨基保护剂]
- Hepatitis E virus戊型肝炎病毒
- object micrometer物镜测微计
- physical cosmetology物理美容学
- physiopyrexia物理人工发热
- Physical Configuration Audit物理配置审核
- physical selection物理选择
- physinosis物理原病
- iatrophysics物理医学,物理疗法
- physical therapy apparatus物理治疗仪
- Logistics物流后勤
- Logistics Support物流保障后勤保障
- object物体,对象,目标
- fingeragnosia物指失辨觉能
- body物体,身体
- matter物质,内容
- material reward物质鼓励
- Error detector误差探测器
- Mistreatment误治
- Misdiagnosis误诊
- mist雾,湿气
- Theodor sign西奥多氏征
- Fog Bell雾号钟
- Almirall Prodesfarma西班牙艾美罗医用药物有限公司
- tara西伯利亚痉跳病
- Siberian plague西伯利亚瘟疫
- ikota西伯利亚跳跃病
- sibutramine西布曲明
- western equine encephalitis virus西部马脑炎病毒
- western equine encephalomyelitis virus (WEE virus)西部马脑脊髓炎病毒
- Cedecea spp西地西菌属某些种
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination