- centipde-bite蜈蚣咬伤
- tymovirus芜菁黄花叶病毒组
- Gallnut五倍子
- galla chinensis tannin五倍子鞣质
- bl 5五处
- five directions五方
- five exhaustions五夺
- wufu huadu pills;wufu huadu wan五福化毒丸
- otolaryngologic department五官科
- Localizer五官
- ophthalmology and otolaryngology五官科学
- focal illuminator五官科病烛照明器,焦点照明器
- five lustre五华
- Eleutheroside B+E五加甙 B+E
- wuji powder五积散
- five-holes shadowless lamp五孔无影灯
- pentalogy五联症
- five kinds of strain五劳
- Wuling powder五苓散
- penton五邻体[见于腺病毒]
- five wheels and eight regions五轮八廓
- wuren runchang pills五仁润肠丸
- Five peel decoction五皮饮
- diagnostic significance of five colors五色主病
- Constipation五仁丸
- five emotions五神
- Wu shi er bing fang (Formularies for 52 Kinds of Disorders)五十二病方
- fifty beats五十动
- five seasons五时
- Wushi Powder五石散
- gb 27五枢
- quintuplet五胎儿
- quintuplets五胎
- body constituents,pentasomy五体
- pentasaccharide五糖
- five tastes五味
- Wuwei Xiaodu yin五味消毒饮
- flavor predilection五味偏嗜
- extract of Schisandra Chinensis五味子提取物
- five pathogens五邪
- Schisantherin A,B,C,D五味子酯甲,乙,丙,丁
- five elements五行
- feverish sensation of five centers五心烦热
- over-restriction of five phases五行相乘
- recycling derivation of the Five Elements五行相生
- mutual restriction of five phases五行相克
- Wuxing theory五行学说
- counter-restriction of five phases五行相侮
- fivekinds of secretions五液
- lst Ten-days of May五月上旬
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination