- amorphous无定形
- amorphous无定型
- amorphous material无定形物,非晶态
- unavoidable risk无法避免之风险
- anotia无耳
- freezing phenomenon无法动作
- anergy无反应性[用于细胞免疫学]
- Anergy无反应性
- ecphylaxis无防卫力
- No Cost Settlement无费用处理
- apneumia无肺
- acelosis无腹畸形
- seamless alloy tooth crown无缝合金牙冠,无缝冠
- imperforation anus无肛
- anorchidism无睾畸形
- anorchia无睾
- Punishment of the Innocent无辜受罚
- rootless fur无根苔
- indifferent electrode无关电极
- insignificant无关紧要的,轻微的
- it makes no matter that无关紧要
- random coil无规卷曲
- no light perception无光感
- random无规则的,任意的,随机的
- Clostridium innocuum无害梭菌
- Listeria innocua无害利斯特菌
- adiaphoresis无汗
- Clostridium innocuum无害芽胞梭菌
- apyrene无核精子
- irideremia无虹膜,虹膜缺失
- unstriated (smooth muscle)无横纹(平滑肌)
- open cheque无划线支票,现金支票,现金票
- Serratia ficaria无花果沙雷菌
- acyclic nucleotide无环核苷酸
- acycloguanosine无环鸟苷,9-(2-羟乙氧甲基)鸟嘌呤
- acyclovir无环鸟苷(阿昔洛韦)
- ashless paper无灰纸
- anergic无活动力的
- Nonrestorative sleep无恢复精神效果之睡眠、无精神饱足复元之睡眠、非复苏睡眠
- lithotroph无机营养生物,无机营养菌
- apolar neuroblast无极成神经细胞
- orthoscopic lens无畸透镜
- amyelia无脊髓
- bearer share无记名股票,不记名股票
- non-registering perimeter无记录视野计
- anonychia无甲
- Free From Clay&Sand无夹杂泥沙
- onychomadesis无甲,甲缺失
- ablepharus无睑畸胎
- nonmembranous无假膜性的
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination