- Wartenberg syndrome沃坦伯格氏综合征
- Watenberg symptom沃坦伯格氏症状
- Watkins operation沃特金斯氏手术
- Waterhouse pus test沃特豪斯氏脓液试验
- Water operation沃特氏手术
- Waterton method沃特斯顿氏法
- Water position沃特氏位
- bedfast卧床不起的
- bedridden卧病不起
- clinotherapy卧床疗养
- writing hand握笔状手
- clinostatism卧位
- grasp握法
- porte-polisher握柄磨光器
- Spring-Grip握力器
- Urbach syndrome乌尔巴赫氏综合征
- Wohler,Friedrich渥勒
- Urdu乌尔都语
- Uffelmann test乌费尔曼氏试验
- Urriolla test乌尔里奥拉氏试验
- Ucko reaction乌科氏试验
- Uganda S virus (UG-S)乌干达S病毒
- Uriolla sign乌里奥拉氏征
- Ukrainian乌克兰语
- Uruma virus (URU)乌鲁马病毒
- Campylobacter upsaliensis乌普萨拉弯曲杆菌
- Wumei pill乌梅丸
- Uskow pillars乌斯考夫柱
- Zaocys dhumnades乌梢蛇
- Uschinsky culture medium乌斯钦斯基氏培养基
- aconitate乌头酸,乌头酸盐、酯、根
- aconitic acid乌头酸
- Urbach-Wiethe syndrome乌-维氏综合征
- aconitum alkaloid乌头属生物碱
- Coclaurine乌药碱
- Uzbek乌兹别克语
- squidulin乌贼蛋白[一种钙结合蛋白]
- waste dressing-bucket污敷料桶
- blotch污点,斑点
- grease collar污垢轮
- molysmophobia污秽恐怖
- filth污秽,肮脏
- pollution污染,玷污
- Pollution criteria污染基准
- Antipollution incentives污染防治激励措施
- Pollution control regulations污染控制法规
- Long-term effects of pollutants污染物的长期效应
- pollution control technique污染控制技术
- Pollutant effects污染物的影响
- Hazards of pollutants污染物的危害
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination