- antagonize起反作用
- stadibasiphobia起立恐怖症
- astasia起立不能
- theory of centre of origin起源中心说
- initiation factor起始因素
- dysstasia起立困难
- hasty breathing气促
- assuasive起镇静作用的
- climatic determinism气候决定论
- climate conformance气候合宜性
- gas effect气氛效应
- climate types气候类型
- climatic control气候控制
- aerophobia气流恐怖症
- phytotron气候室
- unnerved气馁的
- pneumoencephalogram气脑造影图
- Photoperiod气味辨别
- pnematology气体治疗学
- gas chromatography气体分色法
- odor space气味空间
- odor mixture气味混合
- olfactophobia气味恐怖症
- fear of air气味恐怖
- air conditioning气温调节
- odorography气味论
- air pressure and altitude气压与高度
- aeropathy,dysbarism气压病
- rament气质激素说
- temperament survey气质调查
- temperament scale气质量表
- Temperament气质类型
- tamperament traits气质特征
- temperamental trait气质特性
- masking of temperament气质掩盖
- blood group theory of temperament气质血型说
- founding home弃儿收养所
- foundling弃儿
- principle of disuse弃用原则
- Obasute弃老
- Citelli syndrome契太利综合症
- Automotive traffic accident汽车交通事故
- Organs器官
- apparatus test器材测验
- aplasia器官发育不全
- organic disease器官病
- organphysiology器官生理学
- organ neurosis器官神经症
- organ sensation器官感觉
- organ specificity器官特性
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method