- bleaching apparatus漂白装置
- skimming撇取
- taste trial品尝试验
- quality label品质标签
- falling off in quality品质降低
- flat bed screen printing平板筛网印花
- tablet machine平板机
- plate cooler平板速冻器
- open-width bleaching平幅漂白
- open-width dyeing平幅染色
- open-width fulling finisher平幅缩绒整理机
- balance moisture平衡湿度
- balanced shed平衡梭口
- balanced cylinder平衡锡林
- equilibrium microstructure平衡组织
- smoothing roller平滑罗拉
- smooth yarn平滑纱
- thin foils平面薄膜
- flat film die平面薄膜挤压模型
- flat lock stitch平式锁缝针迹
- nainsook平纹轻软棉织物
- plain weave平纹组织
- pedal nose平行杆鼻
- plain hank平行卷绕绞纱
- close wind;straight wind;parallel build;parallel wind平行卷绕
- weft winder for parallel winding平行卷纬机
- cotton knitting machine平型袜子针织机
- plain knitting平针编织
- plain loop;plain stitch;plate stitch平针线圈
- levelling of the heddles平综线
- apple wine苹果酒
- apple syrup苹果糖浆
- bottle cap瓶盖
- bottled beer瓶啤酒
- rag pulp破布纸桨
- straw breaker破茎机
- millerator破碎分离机
- degerminator破碎去芽机
- Broken Twill破斜纹
- dextran fermentation葡聚糖发酵
- fermentation of wine葡萄酒发酵
- wine storage room,wine vault葡萄酒窖
- wine-making葡萄酒酿造
- wine barrels,wine vat葡萄酒桶
- enology葡萄酿酒学
- glucose syrup葡萄糖浆
- wine press,grape press,grape crusher葡萄压榨机
- grape crusher葡萄压榨器
- rape葡萄榨渣,油菜
- plexiglass普列玻璃