balance moisture



1)balance moisture,平衡湿度2)moisture equilibrium,湿度平衡3)equilibrium moisture method,平衡湿度法4)equilibrium relative humidity,平衡相对湿度5)balance control of temperature and humidity,平衡温湿度控制6)air-equilibrated,温湿度平衡处理


Moisture content under coal reservoire condition-study onthe determinnation method of balance moisture;


The authors determine the critical relative humidity of sodium cephazolin powder by equilibrium moisture method, the value is about 67% at 20℃.


The effect of concentration of NaCl solution, temperature and equilibrium relative humidity on the equilibrium moisture content of maize was analysed.

0 %N a Cl溶液的玉米在 2 0℃、30℃和 40℃三个温度下的平衡含水率曲线 ;分析了 Na Cl溶液浓度、温度和平衡相对湿度对平衡含水率的影响 ,并用修正 H enderson模型、修正 Oswin模型及 Chung-Pfost模型三个数学模型对加入各种浓度 Na Cl溶液玉米的平衡含水率曲线进行了拟合研究 ,得到了描述加入各种浓度 N a Cl溶液玉米的平衡含水率的数学模型。

Novasina water activity aw measurements center was used to develop a method for rapid collection of equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) data and determination of sorption and desorption isotherms of grain.
