- Unplayable不能打之球,无法打之球
- scrutinized不是普通的「观看、观察」,而是很仔细地「观看、观察」。
- incompetent teacher不适任教师
- law of disuse不用律
- official textbooks部编本教科书
- Etiology of Infertility不育症的病因学
- Part-time Employment部分时间就业
- part-time education部分时制教育
- Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes财税法规与税务会计
- part-time student部分时制学生
- Foundation for Condensed Matter Sciences财团法人凝态科学研究基金会
- National Taiwan University Campus Development Foundation财团法人台湾大学校园建设基金会
- National Taiwan University Academic Development Foundation财团法人台湾大学学术发展基金会
- Case Analysis of Finance Management财务案例分析
- financial statements analysis财务报告分析
- Financial Management and Analysis财务管理与分析
- Theories on Public Finance and Tax Revenue财政与税收理论
- educational excursion参观教学
- Acquisitions Department采访组
- catering inspector餐饮督导人员
- cripple education残障教育
- cripple school;school for defective;school for the physically disabled残障学校
- quiz测验,随堂小考
- strategy-tactics model策略―方法模型
- Bible class查经班
- normal class grouping常态编班
- Long putt长打入穴
- curve of normal distribution常态分配曲线
- normal surface of distribution常态面积分配
- Choir school唱诗学校
- Science and Technology of Ultrahigh Vacuum 60超高真空科学与技术
- bonus situation超过团队犯规次数而犯规后获得的罚球
- morning exercise朝会
- Transcripts Subsection成绩股
- disciplinary class惩戒班
- Achievement test成就测验
- programming team程序设计组
- backward student;laggard student迟钝学生
- retarded child;slow child迟缓儿童
- endurance test持久测验,耐力测验
- publishing center出版中心
- Cashier Section出纳组
- Catechumenal school初级教义问答学校,天主教望教友要理班
- junior technical school初级技艺学校{英}
- junior high school初级中学{美}
- primitive education初民教育
- initial contract初聘
- Sensor Technique & Application传感技术及应用
- Innovation and Incubation Section创新育成组
- Enterprise and Management for Creative Arts创作艺术事业及管理