- medium sweep中速扫描
- intermediate speed pinion中速小齿轮
- culmination中天
- Chinese Tanzanian Joint Shipping Company中坦桑联合海运公司
- lag of culmination中天迟滞
- meridian zenith distance中天顶距
- latitude by meridian altitude中天高度求纬度
- meridian altitude中天高度
- noon constant中天高度求纬度总改正量
- transit time中天时
- longitude by transit中天求经度
- hump keel中凸龙骨
- intermediate transportation entry中途报关手续
- LCL Delivered at Port of Called中途港站拼箱货交接
- port of call ( POC)中途港
- additional shipment中途加载
- middle mast中桅
- Chinese and Foreign joint-venture vessel中外合营船舶
- topmast中桅(四节桅时)
- topsail lift中桅帆桁吊索
- topsail yard中桅桁
- topmast band中桅箍
- topmast backstay中桅支索
- intermediate stern tube中尾轴管
- midship guy中稳索
- middle latitude sailing中纬航迹计算法
- noon position中午船位
- breast buoy中舷部系船浮标
- moderate fog中雾
- neutral current中线电流
- center line screw中线螺旋桨
- grounded neutral system中线接地制
- central symmetry中线面
- lateral area ratio中线面浸水面积比
- central longitudinal bulkhead中线面舱壁
- centerline skeg中线面尾鳍
- fore-and-aft cenlerline中线面线
- middle ordinate中线纵坐标
- middle line pillar中线支柱
- hollow ended中陷船首尾
- hollow keel中陷龙骨
- centre中心
- mean中项n.平均数
- center plate中心板
- central operationsInformation Room中心操作信息室
- sun-wheel中心齿
- center landing中心沉陷
- center gear中心齿轮
- center tapped中心抽头的
- center chisel中心冲