central longitudinal bulkhead
The switching power supplies of capacitive loading with no operating frequency transforner, are generally used in modern host computers and peripheral equipments, there are special requirements of the switch and midline of power supply systems.
Two Inequalities for the Medians and the Symmedians of a Triangle;
The R-r-s method of triangle inequality is employed to prove the conjecture of a triangle inequality proposed by the author many years ago,which is the reciprocal inequality for median ma,mb,mc,the circumradius R and the radius of the inscribed circle r:1/ma+1/mb+1/mc≤2(1/R+1/r)/3.
The important method of R-r-s is used to prove the inequality chain for the medians altitudes and radii of exinscribed circles of a triangle:Let ma,mb,mc denote the medians of the triangle ABC;the altitudes ha,hb,hc;the radii of exinscribed excircles ra,rb,rc;then holds maha+mbhh+mchc≥wbwc+wcwa+wcwa≥hara+hbrb+hcr.
The function of neutral line in Y connection of asymmetric loads;
The quality of the neutral line and its grounding will influence directly to the operation of the combined hi-frequency switching mode power supply.
Because of action of the nonlinear load,a large number of third harmonic component would exist in the neutral line current.
The antithetic formula of Finsler-Haduiger inequality related to the central lines and central planes area of the n-simplex;
How to decide the direction of central line of the discus ground;
The papor first introduces the key application of General Total Station,then emphatically expounds the method and formula of coordinate calculation of road central line,grade separation turn-to-turn central line,abutment central point and axial point of reference Thus the concrete operation of General Total Staion in highway construction layout is clarifie
首先介绍全站仪的基本含义 ,提出了全站仪应用于公路施工放样的关键 ,着重论述道路中线桩坐标、道路立交匝道中线桩坐标及桥墩、台中心和桥涵轴线控制桩坐标计算方法 ,并给出了计算公式。
Furthermore, the properties of the mid_facets of a simplex analogous to median lines of a triangle (such as for all mid_facets of a simplex,there exists another simplex such that its edge_lengths equal to these mid_facets.
在n维欧氏空间中,作为三角形的高维推广的单形的中面是最近才引入的一个重要的几何概念· 该文利用Grassmann代数的方法获得了单形的中面面积的解析表达式,证明了单形的中面类似于三角形中线的性质,例如,对于一个给定的单形,存在另一个单形使得其边长分别等于给定单形的中面面积;一个单形的所有中面有且仅有一个公共点等· 同时,利用中面面积的解析表达式证明了单形中面与单形的棱长、外接圆半径、中线长、角平分面等之间的一些优美性质,建立了一些新的重要的几何不等式·
Some Finsler\|Hadwiger inequalities involving the median line of one n\|dimensional simplex in Euclidean space E\+n, and Neuberg\|pedoe inequalities involving the median line of two n\|dimensional simpleexes are established.