- sighting plane照准面
- sighting device照准装置
- kink fold折带褶曲
- binary search method折半查找法
- storage of folded maps折叠地图保管
- refractometer折光计
- Catadioptric systems折反射式光学系统
- crenulation cleavage折劈理
- refraction correlation method折射波对比法
- refraction seismograph折射地震仪
- refraction survey折射波法勘探
- refracting medium折射介质
- refractive optical system折射式光学系统
- germanite锗石
- reduced pressure折算压力
- routivarite褶英二长岩
- contorted bedding褶皱层理
- enveloping surface of folds褶皱包络面
- folding belt褶皱带`
- fold belt褶皱带
- recess褶皱带内凹部,凹穴
- folded fault褶皱断层
- degree of folding褶皱度
- core of fold褶皱核心
- folded basement褶皱基底
- arc of folding褶皱弧
- crest line褶皱脊线
- crest of fold褶皱脊
- fold fissures褶皱裂隙
- hinge of fold褶皱枢纽
- folded mountain褶皱山
- archbend褶皱头部
- slope褶皱翼
- fold nappe褶皱推复
- axial plane of the fold褶皱轴面
- rabbitite针钙镁铀矿
- pin point target针点状目标
- margarosanite针硅钙铅矿
- coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest针阔叶混交林
- juxporite针碱铌石
- koninckite针磷铁矿
- weinschenkite针磷铒矿
- aikinite,needle ore针硫铋铅矿
- nocerite针六方石
- Stipa steppe针茅草原
- Sulfuric acid, zinc salt针绿矾
- viridite针铁绿泥石
- ferronatrite针钠铁矾
- belonospherite针皱晶球粒
- needle ironstone针铁石