- swamp meadow沼泽草甸子
- grass moor沼泽草原
- drag turf沼泽草炭
- swamp sediment沼泽沉积物
- mire distribution沼泽分布
- marshy沼泽地的
- swamp muck沼泽腐泥土
- mire classification沼泽分类
- bog lake沼泽湖
- wetlands沼泽化
- swampy lake沼泽湖泊
- degree of peat formation沼泽化程度
- mire landscape沼泽景观
- marshy waste land沼泽荒地
- mire runoff沼泽径流
- paludal forest沼泽林
- reclamation of marshland沼泽开垦
- vegetable mould沼泽泥
- bog complex沼泽络合物
- bog marl沼泽泥灰岩
- mire drainage沼泽排水
- marsh peat沼泽泥炭
- bog drainage沼泽疏干
- bog lime沼泽石灰
- swampy water track沼泽水道
- marshy iron manganese deposit沼泽铁锰矿床
- hydrology of mire沼泽水文学
- mire沼泽退化,软泥
- microclimate of mire沼泽小气候
- mire microgeomorphology沼泽微地貌
- succession of mire沼泽演替
- Marshy river沼泽性河流
- Marsh vegetation沼泽植被
- mire indicator plant沼泽指示植物
- Peatery swamp plants沼泽植物
- mosaic assembly照片嵌拼图
- photo colour separation照相分色
- photographical contrast照相对比
- photographic detection照相记录射线法
- photomontage照相拼版
- photomechanical copy照相拷贝
- photographic detection照相探测
- photographic emulsion照相乳胶
- photomechanical process照相制版法
- sighting照准
- laurel forest照叶林
- sighting mark照准标
- observing point照准点
- alidade照准部
- diopter照准器