hair color
Review of the effects on human skin and hair during swimming and development of protective measures for it;
Determination of zinc,iron and calcium in hair of children by flame atomie absorption speetrometry;
火焰原子吸收法同时测定小儿头发中的锌 铁和钙
Lead Contain Determinated in Child Hair with Anode Voltammetry;
Study on determination of nicotine and cotinine in human hair by HPLC with rapid column;
Determination of Zn、Cu、Fe in Human Hair by FAAS of Digest Samples Microwave;
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy was proposed for the determination of selenium,plumbum,cadmium in human hair,and two different preparing methods were compared.
Conditions and change of KSD disease in this surveillance site were observed for 8 consecutive years from 1996 to 2003,and at the same time the levels of Zn,Cu,Fe,Me,Se and Ca content in hair of children agi.
The content of calcium in hair of 62 children with rickets was analysed.
为了解佝偻病患儿头发钙含量情况 ,将测得的 62例佝偻病患儿发钙值进行了分析。
The content of Zn,Ca,Cu and Fe in hair of 612 healthy children in Zhanjiang region was determined.
对湛江地区 61 2例健康儿进行了头发锌、钙、铜、铁检测。
A new method to determine zinc in hair using square wave voltammetry(SWV) at a bismuth film coated electrode is described.