the most fantastic mountain under heaven



1)the most fantastic mountain under heaven,天下第一奇山2)Mountain No.1,天下第一山3)The most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere in the world,天下第一奇洞4)the best in the world,天下第一5)"Tian Xia Di Yi Lou",《天下第一楼》6)Fount.No. 1,天下第一泉


Enter "Mountain No.1"——The Interpretation and Implication of Jinggangshan Mountain;


In the drama of "Tian Xia Di Yi Lou"(The First Building of the World),Tan Zong-yao gives the audience a very true role of Lu Meng-shi through details.


Huang'Shan or the Yellow Mountain, which is the most beautiful of all mountains in China, is often referred to as "the most fantastic mountain under heaven."


During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, Li Bai reached in the course of his wanderings the Yellow Mountain after, as he said in a poem, "I have scaled ten thousand peaks."


Abstract: Xin′ an(徽州) is at the southern foot of Huangshan Mt, the most awe-inspiring mountain on earth, where not only are hills and water very beautiful but culture has been prosperous.


"I have once said that for picturesque scenery the mountains of Guilin have no equal."


There is a most enchanting sight of fantastic stone pillars, reputed as the "NumBer One Grand Spectacle on Earth."


Enter "Mountain No.1"--The Interpretation and Implication of Jinggangshan Mountain;


The Historical Position of the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base;


"If I'm not Number One Under Heaven, then I'm at least Number Two."


Heaven and People All in One,Magnificence and Splendors--Initial Analysis of Li Bai s Scenic Poem;

天人合一 雄奇壮美——李白山水诗探析

After that, the spring on Nine Dragon Hill became officially the Second Spring Under Heaven.


It sets the whole broad gorge quaking, he thought with amazement; maybe someday the mountains on both sides will come tumbling down.


During the first week in August the arctic sun dips below the horizon for the first time since May-- it has not set all summer long.


Textual Research on Buddhism in Sacred Fanjing Mountain, Guizhou Province


The Shanhai Pass (pass between the mountain and the sea) is located at the eastern end of the Great Wall and in the northeastern part of the city, which is also known as “First Pass under Heaven”.


Warm in winter and cool in summer, the average temperature is around18 centigrade every year.


The next day we came to a mountain village.


No matter how high the mountain, it is just a mountain beneath the heavens.


The following pictures are the result of the first day, today is the9 th day of this project.
