deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)



1)deluxe hotel(five-star hotel),五星级饭店2)Wuxing Changan,五星肠安3)five star doctor,五星医生4)Wuxing village,五星村5)Dawuxing,大五星6)five-planet meeting,五星聚会7)planetary astrology,五星占8)conjunction of the five planets,五星合聚9)Diving Five Planets,《五星占》10)Jupiter's meridian transit,五星会聚


Determination of cefazolin sodium and enrofloxacin in Wuxing Changan by HPLC;


The Research into Biological Characters of Dawuxing Loquat in Different Ecotype;


This not only reflects that progresses were made in calendrical techniques during the period,but also reveals the reciprocal relation between the planetary astrology and the calendar.


By using the records on the conjunction of the five planets and the year of Jupiter passing in the Chunhuo constellation and Gan Zhi for the Moon’s phase,we have obtained that the first year of King Wen was 1058 BC and the year of King Wu’s conquest was 1046 BC.

根据“五星合聚”、“岁在鹑火”及“月相干支”的记载 ,得出文王受命元年是公元前 1 0 58年 ,伐纣之年为公元前 1 0 4 6年。