test-oriented education



1)Examination-oriented education,应试教育2)exam-oriented education,应试教育3)examination education,应试教育4)education for examination,应试教育5)test-oriented education,应试教育6)Examination-targeted Physical Education,应试体育教育


Overall development of education and students ability ——Rethinking on examination-oriented education in function changes of students,teachers and colleges;


Starting from understanding the innovative talents growing regularity and the developing law of the science its own, this paper expounds that the existing examination-oriented education, the scientific research evaluating system and the sense of worth have become three big barriers for the sci-tech innovation.


By analyzing different practice of knowledge instruction which is against the background of quality education and examination-oriented education,this paper makes the basic issue for innovating class teaching in China clear.


class suffers from many problems that cannot be cleared off in the course of shifting from exam-oriented education to caliber-oriented education.


How to help Chinese university students cast off the yoke of exam-oriented education system and to turn Chinese universities into places where students’intellectual abilities are cultivated, their wisdom is gained and innovative spirit is fostered.


To well tally with the transition from exam-oriented education to basic quality education and reduce the blind practice and improve the exactitude in the work in the work in the transition period,it is highly necessary to fully understand the differences and links between the two kinds of education.

为做好由应试教育向素质教育的转轨工作 ,减少转轨工作中的盲目性 ,增加转轨工作的准确性 ,就要充分认识素质教育与应试教育的区别与联系。

To Discuss the Relationship Between the "Examination Education"and Qualification Education;


The aim of this essay is to deeply analyze the problem of examination education,practical ability education and criterion education so as to bring forward the corresponding countermeasures and to arouse the recognition of currently diathesis education innovation.


The discussion on relation of college entrance examinatiaon, examination education and quality education had been lack rational thinking for a long time.


In order to achieve the transition from education for examination to quality education, we should change our teaching concepts and adopt an effective strategy of performing quality education in school P.


The paper analyses the change of compulsory education policies since 1977 and practical issues of current Chinese education, disparities among primary schools and secondary schools, the trend of education for examination, heavy burden of pupils, school choice and miscellaneous fees, and rural education, etc.

本文从宏观上回顾和分析了 1977年以来义务教育政策和实践中存在的社会普遍关心的问题 ,中小学校差距过大、应试教育倾向、中小学生学业负担过重、择校、乱收费、农村中小学的相对薄弱等等。

The quality education has been put forward in view of the various disadvantages of education for examination,and is identical with all round developing education.

素质教育的研究基于应试教育的种种弊病之上 ,它同全面发展教育是一致的。

The Test-oriented Education should be Denied and Fought Against Firmly——Also on the Construction and Implementation of Quality-oriented Education;


Based onfour basic elements of the educationalrights,the authors think that test-oriented education is not all-around negative to the education right.


This paper considers that quality-oriented education is the complete negation of test-oriented education.

本文认为素质教育是对应试教育的全面否定 ,活动不是素质教育的代名词 ,素质教育的减轻负担不是不要负担 ,不是不要课堂教学质量 ,不是要“掐尖” ,不是要学生各方面均衡发展。

Shift the Basic education from examination-oriented education to quality oriented one


On the Organic Combination of the Quality-Oriented Education and the Examination-Oriented Education;


The Dialectical Relation Between the Quality Education and the Exam-oriented Education;


New Discussion on Examination and Education;


The Study on Alienation of Education Competition--Philosophical Reflection on Examination-oriented Education;


On the Opposite of Quality-oriented Education to Exam-oriented Education;


Discuss " exam-oriented education " is transformed into " quality-oriented education " too;


The Essential Way of Changing from the Exam-oriented Education to Quality Education;


Discuss the thinking that is transformed lightly into quality-oriented education from "exam- oriented education";


On the Transformation from Exam-oriented Educationto Quality Education;


To Discuss the Relationship Between the "Examination Education"and Qualification Education;


Rational Reflection On Exam-oriented And Overall Quality Education;


Education for test":Its disadvantageous effect on musical education;


China's education system is shifting from exam- oriented mode to diathesis mode.


From Education for Examination to Quality Education in the Teaching of School Physical Education;


Education for Examination Caused by the Situation and the Quality Education Based on the Era;


Comprehensive Quality Education-the Ultimate Result of Education──On the transformation from exam-focusing education to comprehensive quality education;


Dialectical Relationship between Quality-Oriented Education and Examination-Oriented Education of College English;
