food organoleptic test
A new mathematical model in food organoleptic test had been explored,and a BASIC data processing program for it had been worked out;Debugging results showed that using is convenient,running is exact and reliability.
Some problems are put forward for BASIC Data processing program worked out in paper“the application of fuzz mathematical method in combination with minicomputer in food organoleptic test” to discuss with authors;the program is corrected,and a practical program is debuged out,which can be run normally and exactly Four usual methods put already forward to this day is reviewed;the re.
对于“模糊数学法与微机联用在食品感官检验中的应用”一文中编制的 B A S I C 数据处理程序,提出了一些问题来与作者商榷;并对其作了修正,从而调试出一个可以正常和准确运行的实用程序。
Research on sensory evaluation and fat oxidation degree of Muslim mutton in different temperatures
The physiological principle of leather sensory evaluation was discussed.
The general method of sensory test on canned meat products is briefly introduced,which is easily operated by consumers.
本文简要粗浅地介绍了感官检验肉灌制品的一般方法 ,简便易行 ,适合消费者操
Non-parameter methods such as Ridit test method and wilcoxon test method can make sensory test statistical analysis efficient.
The results showed that different heat treatment in pure milk can be determinated by sensory test, and as a measurement of heat treatment, sensory test has reference significance.
Application of immunoassay in the field of food analysis;
Graduates who major in food examination work frequently meet problems of product quality comparison and appraisal.
Significance and Function of Sensory Testing in Food Hygiene Supervision
Sensory Evaluation The ultimate test for oxidized flavor in foods is a sensory one.
Standards Analysis and Basic Requirements Research on Construction of Food Sensory Analysis Laboratory;
fast test equipment for foodstuff hygiene
The exploitative process of the multimedia courseware about sensory evaluation of food;
Food Sensory Science and Technology:A Historical Opportunity and Challenge for Development
Teaching Practice and Exploration on the Course of Food Sensory Assessment
Up to now,CCIB identifies the barley variety mainly in term of the visual characteristics,lacking accurate chemical method.
"Monitoring Team for Food Supply, Commodity Inspection Bureau"
Sensory analysis method-Paired comparison test
Sensory analysis method-Triangular test
Sensory analysis methodology--Texture profile
Sensory analysis method-Flavour profile test
Sensory analysis method--Duo--trio test
" Sensory analysis-Methodology-""A""-""not A"" test"
Teaching Reform Practice of Experiment Course of Food Physical and Chemical Examination
Sensory analysis--Methodology--Evaluation of food products by methods using scales
Near Infrared Spectroscopy Technology and Its Application in Food Sensory Analysis
- fried three kinds of meat
- canned corned beef
- pork tripe with hot pepper oil
- Fried Tomato with Multiple Seasoning
- duck cutlets in chilli sauce
- stir-fried green beans
- stir-fried liver with scallions & garlic
- Kelp and Mustard Salad
- Braised Beef Strips
- duck slices in wine sauce
- Vegetable-Mixed Salad
- Fried green bean with pork
- Sushi Rice Packaged in Egg Pancake
- Oyster w/ Ginger,Green Onion
- non-alcoholic beverage
- Fish Bone and Grilled Meat Sauce
- Stuffed Bean Curd with Mashed Pork and Shrimps
- Fried Mandarin Fish with Dried Chilli and Shallot
- chicken & pickled cucumber stew
- Singapore Noodle (Hot Spice)
- Eight-Treasure Quail
- eight jewelled white gourd
- beancurd with eight delicious
- stuffed chicken
- eight treasures with diced chicken;diced chicken with assorted vegetables
- eight treasures in hot sauce
- duck stuffed with eight delicacies
- steamed eel with eight treasures
- duck stuffed with the eight treasures
- stewed duck with chop suey
- eight-treasures braised ducking
- Assorted Meat in Clay Pot
- assorted meat soup with winter melon
- beancurd & chop suey soup
- Combination Duck (Half)
- Paris Cabbage
- braised abalone in white sauce
- swallow nest with white gravy
- shrimps scalded with catchup
- shark's fin in white gravy