San Fernando
"It drives me to despair," said Fernand.
"Pen, ink, and paper," muttered Fernand.
“笔墨纸张?” 弗尔南多咕哝的说。
Well, my dear sir," said Danglars to Fernand, "here is a marriage which does not appear to make everybody happy."
"You were saying, sir"--said Fernand, awaiting with great anxiety the end of this interrupted remark.
“先生,你刚才说——?” 弗尔南多等这一段插话一说完就着急的问道。
"You were saving, sir"--said Fernand, awaiting with great anxiety the end of this interrupted remark.
"And Fernand," said Caderousse with a chuckle; "Fernand, too, is invited!"
and besides," she added, her eyes troubled and moistened with tears, "wait, wait, Fernand;
It was even told me that Fernand, especially, was terrible in his vengeance."
"I have not quitted you since yesterday," returned Fernand sorrowfully.
"Before Mercédès should die," replied Fernand, with the accents of unshaken resolution, "I would die myself!"
"My health is well enough," said Fernand, clinching his hands without raising his head.
Fernand looked at them both with a stupefied air, but did not say a word.
Fernand smiled piteously. “A lover is never terrible,” he said.
"I have answered you a hundred times, Fernand, and really you must be very stupid to ask me again."
Fernand's eye darted lightning.
"Do you know them, Fernand?"
"The fellow is not so drunk as he appears to be," said Danglars. "Give him some more wine, Fernand."
faintly murmured Fernand, but the word seemed to die away on his pale agitated lips, and a convulsive spasm passed over his countenance.