the principal



1)the principal,被代理人2)agent's mistake,被代理人过错3)default of the principal,被代理人过失4)undisclosed agency,不公开被代理人身份的代理5)agency for an unnamed principal,被代理人身份不公开的代理


It is found that there is no definite stipulations to show whether the principal has faults or not is the constitution requirement of agency by estoppel.

但其中仍有一些方面规定得不尽合理,如关于被代理人有无过错是不是表见代理的构成条件没有明确规定,将表见代理范 围局限于"订立合同"过于狭小等。

If the default of the principal is necessary to be a prima facie agency, it should depend on the different situations of the prima facie agency.

对于表见代理是否应以被代理人过失为要件 ,应视构成表见代理的各种情形而定。