Branch Davidian



1)Branch Davidian,大卫教2)ranch Davidian,大卫教3)David,大卫4)Grand health,大卫生5)David lily,大卫百合6)David pepper,大卫.佩珀7)David,大卫王8)David Wang,王大卫9)David Henry Hwang,黄大卫10)Dawei Keli,大卫颗粒


Based on the technique of DGD (diethylene glycol distearate) embedment-free electron microscopy and the immunogold localization,intra- and intercellular cytoskeletal networks in pollen mother cells of David lily were investigated in this work,and clear three-dimensional images of microtrabecular network have been gained and actin was l.

笔者在DGD diethyleneglycoldistearate 包埋-去包埋的基础上,结合电镜免疫胶体金技术对大卫百合花粉母细胞胞间及胞内细胞的骨架系统进行了研究,观察到高反差细胞微梁结构的三维网络,actin这一细胞骨架的主要成员被定位在该微梁结构纤维上。

Starting with the point that there are many similar aspects between Hamlet and David’s story in terms of plot and images The author highlights the reflection of the Bible in Hamlet and then gives a further exploration of the creative origin of writer.


Suffering from the"Thought Crystal" between the Worlds——A Comment on The Boundless World,the documentary Travel Notes by David Wang;


David Henry Hwang is the first Asian American playwright that has his plays put up in Broadway, New York.


To establish the determination method of baicalin in Dawei Keli By HPLC method;
