capital authorized
The essay researches on reducing the minimum quota of legal capital which should be put into practice in the establishment of company in China.
Presently,almost critical studies of legal capital system in China are focusing on the difficulties of putting the concrete rules of this system into practice.
The strict legal capital system enforced in China results in the high cost to incorporate a company and is not propitious for the further expansion of a company.
Scale, efficiency, competition and statutory capital system;
It is based on the statutory capital system in our country.
The idea that the statutory capital system has increased both the difficulty and the cost for the establishment of companies is actually a pseudo proposition.
This article first limits the concept of company capital system, then compares the statutory capital system, the authorized capital system and the eclectic authorized capital system to inquire the tendency of company capital system.
The systemof the formation of the capital includes the statutory capital system, the authorizedcapital system and the eclectic capital system, therein the statutory capital systemincludes the strict statutory capital system and the relaxative statutory capital system,the three kinds of the systems of the formation of the capital have their own specificco.
There are three modes of company capital systems that have been developed in thecountries of civil law system and common law system during the long history of thelegislation for companies: the statutory capital system focusing on security; the authorizedcapital system focusing on efficiency, and the electric capital system between the abovetwo system.
The investment contributed By shareholders meets the minimum amount of capital required by law
Scale, efficiency, competition and statutory capital system;
There are three capital systems in the world: legal capital system , accredit capital system, compromise capital system.
Auth. share capital of respective company is shown in bracket at the end of each name.
Asset Pricing Method Based on Martingale and Entropy Theories
From Dynamical Linear Pricing Rule to Dynamical Capital Asset Pricing Model;
On the Measure of the Value of Human Capital Property Rights in China;
nominal capital
CAPM can be obtained by using non-arbitrage approaches.
Discussion on the Capitalization Rate Determinedby Band-of-investment Method;
It is proper to evaluate human capital through its pay under the condition that it is unable to measure the human value.
The registered capital of a company following such capital reduction may not be less than the minimum levels set by law.
Capital reserve includes premium on capital stock, legal incre-ment of property value through revaluation and value of donated assets accepted, etc.
capital and liquidity requirement
convert (assets) into fixed capital.
a. The Capital Asset Pricing Model
a. 资本资产定价模型
"authorized capital stock [MIGA]: For MIGA, it equals one Billion Special Drawing Rights."
gross domestic fixed capital formation
- accomplice under duress
- Moderately tight credit policy
- Cost overrun loans
- Mandatory Arbitration
- profits attributable to shareholders
- sports lottery
- Fixed Income Arbitrage
- anesthetist
- date of draft/issue
- Zhongshan Carlyle Sanitaryware Co.,Ltd.
- Sunscape Office Furniture Factory
- Modesty helps one go forward,whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
- spread channel
- All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
- legal tax evasion
- China Zhi Gong Dang
- increase in value,appreciation
- compromise
- neighborhood effects
- Breakdown
- Patriot missile
- X-mark a signature
- Foundations Network Ltd.
- to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
- "check-the-box" rule
- yo-yo stock
- People-first values
- UAE the Union of Arab Emirates
- WT watertight
- Like water off (on) a duck's back
- TAL traffic and accident loss
- actual cash value
- a/r all risks
- Royal Ulster Constabulary
- extra issue
- actionable subsidy
- subunderwriting,distribution
- UITF Urgent Issue Task Force
- engineering
- awareness