This cigaret quality inspection and control instrument using 80C196 singlechip to solve PA8-5 and PA9 problems of filter joint eguipment imported from English Molins company,it gives out the important quality specification-Nominal rate,and inspect on-line specifications such as average diluting degree,short level,short seller,aggregate number,and so on.
烟支质量测控装置通过采用 80C196单片机 ,解决了从英国莫林斯公司进口的PA8- 5和PA9滤咀接装机无法在线检测出烟支生产过程中的一个重要质量指标———空头率 ,可在线检测烟支的平均稀释度、空头水平、空头率、烟支总数等质量指标 ,而且用户可方便的对空头标准和稀释度标准进行设定 ,并给出了软件举
The Chinese current bill legislation has several terms involving the effect of bad check,but the questions exist inside such as a term does not make clear,does not conform to the legal principle or is hard to execute,etc.