Default interest



1)Default interest,滞纳利息2)Amount of Belated Payment and Belated Interest(Commodity Tax),滞纳金、滞纳利息(货物税)3)late payment penalty,滞纳金4)overdue fine,滞纳金5)late fee,滞纳金6)Delinquency Charge,滞纳金7)collecting overdue tax fine,税收滞纳金8)Overdue Payment of Customs Duties,关税滞纳金9)late payment fee,延期支付罚金,滞纳金


We give the relationship bewteen penalty coefficient and the rate of collecting late payment penalty in collecting tax payment and analyze the factors for avoiding taxes penalty amnesty.


Since the《People s Republic of China Labor Insurance Regulations》(1951) which decreed the late payment penalty clause firstly, China have Promulgated a lot of laws and regulations with late payment penalty in Taxation, environmental protection, road maintenance, water and electricity charges collection and so on.
