bearing module



1)bearing module,轴泵系数2)axle-number coefficient,轴数系数3)coefficient of performance,泵热系数4)digital axial piston pump,数字轴向柱塞泵5)arch axis coefficient,拱轴系数6)arch-axis coefficient,拱轴系数


Applying the program based on layer-elastic theory,changing the value of structure-layer parameter and wheelbase,the axle-number coefficient in the axle-load conversion formula for combined base asphalt pavement is calculated in this text under the two different conversion guidelines of pavement deflection and stress under semi-rigid base.


By use of program based on layer-elastic theory,with surface design deflection value and stress under semi-rigid base as conversion indexes under the conditions of different structure-layer and wheelbase parameters,the axle-number coefficient in the axle-load conversion formula for semi-rigid asphalt pavement is calculated.


Applying the program based on layer-elastic theory,changing the value of structure-layer parameter and wheelbase,the axle-number coefficient in the axle-load conversion formula for flexible-base asphalt pavement is calculated under the two different conversion guidelines of pavement deflection and stress under base.


The fundamental optimal relation between the thermo-economic objective function with the coefficient of performance,and the maximum thermoeconomic objective function with the corresponding coefficient of performance were derived using the linear heat transfer law.


The optimal relation between the ecological criterion and the coefficient of performance, the maximum ecological criterion and the corresponding coeffici.

基于能量分析的观点 ,建立了反映四热源吸收式热变换器泵热率与熵产率之间最佳折衷的生态学准则 ,导出了线性 (牛顿 )传热定律下生态学目标与泵热系数的优化关系、最大生态学目标值及其相对应的泵热系数、泵热率和熵产率以及最大泵热率时的生态学目标和熵产率。

This article introduces the comparison and determination of the arch axis coefficient in the process of design.


On this model basis the first step method is used for optimization of the arch axis coefficient of the arch bridge.


The results is obtained and compared;it is shown that the different design parameters such as rise-span ratio,arch axis coefficient and steel ratio of the arc ribs have different influence on internal force,stress and displacement of any control cross-sections of CFST tied riged arch bridges.


Sequenced realization of arch-axis coefficient;


The confirm of arch-axis coefficient m s value of catenary reamless arch;


Optimization design of arch-axis coefficient based on the APDL parametric language;
