Major-Minor Fault Presumption Rule



1)Major-Minor Fault Presumption Rule,主要-次要过失推定原则2)main principle,主要原则3)main principles,主要原则4)main doctrines of WTO,WTO主要原则5)The main design principles,设计的主要原则6)secondary loss,次要损失


The information guide of the WTO to Chinese agriculture mainly reflects in the following three aspects:(1) Adhere to WTO s main principles ;(2) Handle matters according to the Agriculture Agreement;(3) Comply with the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.

WTO对中国农业的信息引导 ,主要体现在三个方面 :(1)遵循WTO主要原则 ;(2 )按《农业协议》办事 ;(3)遵守《检疫协议

The main principles of Chinese contemporary design criticism are as follows: the effectiveness centered on application,the authentic form characterized as "harmony",the poetic pursuit of "living standard",the organic structure based on "holistic logic",the clear cultural context intermixing with "diachronism" and "simultaneity",and the tenderhearted ethics focusing on "kindness".


Health medical information management system is a hospital-based medical information an important part of this paper, the status quo pin its construction on the building of the system of The main design principles,methods,building program.


Major-Minor Fault Presumption Rule


Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effeet.


The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene.


The main causes of the failure are as follows: Kuomintang adopted one-party autocracy and Chiang Kai-shek practiced individual autarchy;

其失败的原因主要有 :国民党实行一党专政 ,蒋介石则实行个人独裁 ;

We should keep to the principle of main body, human nature, macrocosm, sustainable and prospective methodology.


Mainly analyses the course which Mao zedong made three decisions to dispatch troops to Korea and the reason why China dispatches troops to Korea.


In regard to capitalism, we observe first that it was obedience to its principles that contributed so largely to England's failure.


I shall stand by my principles even if it means losing my job.


New Textual Research on Principle of Liability--the development trend of fault-liability;


The principle we have laid down for ourselves is that we must be both determined and on the alert.


Of course, the general rules of first date conversation still apply: Don't talk about yourself all night, and don't talk extensively about your past relationships, either.


Incomplete fault liability system to carrier's liability has been determined in The Hague Rules.


Identification and Properties of Major Allergen from Chinese Shrimp, Penaeus Chinensis;

中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)主要过敏原的鉴定及性质研究

Next, the mass organizations, chiefly the trade unions and poor peasant leagues, must be moved into action.


The premature invalidation of titanium and its alloys may mainly be resulted from hydrogen embrittlement.


Imperialism is marked for failure and socialism is marked for triumph.


Among the main reasons that cause the sense of helplessness of acquired character are excessive suffering from defeat,wrong ways of attributing failure and serious lack of self-confidence.


To find out its cause, the main risks of new products' failure originate from the chanciness of market.
