capital ceiling
The implying conclusion is that singly intensifying the minimum capital requirements to protect creditors interest is not a good policy.
本文的核心话题是 :路径依赖下派生的我国有限责任公司最低资本额规制是否妥当 ,何种规则模式下的安排 ,方为最优。
By means of comparative research this paper discusses the legislation of corporation capital system and offers suggestions in view of the corporation s capital formation system, the lowest norm of registered capital, the constitution of corporation capital (way of offering capital), and the obligation for the false corporation registered capital.
A Comparison of the Institution of Minimum Amount of the Registered Capital in the Revised and the Abolished Company Law of China;
Research on the Lowest Capital System of the Limited Company of China;
The investment contributed By shareholders meets the minimum amount of capital required by law
The Reasonable Analysis on the Minimum Registered Capital of the Company Law Lower Limit;
The registered capital of a company following such capital reduction may not be less than the minimum levels set by law.
The minimum amount of registered capital for the establishment of an insurance company shall be fully paid-up in monetary form.
The largest investor refers to the investor with the largest share of capital and its capital contribution accounting for no less than 30 percent of the total equity of the auto financing company.
The minimum registered capital of a joint stock limited company may not be less than Renminbi10,000,000 Yuan.
These policy statements often set a minimum dollar amount (such as $5) for expenditures that are to be capitalized.
The minimum registered capital of the local payment and settlement organizations to be established is RMB ten million Yuan.
The minimum investment for government bonds is S$1,000 and treasury bills is S$10,0000.
Requirements for the minimum amount of the registered capital of a company limited by shares to be higher than the above amount are provided for in separate laws or administrative regulations.
If for a specific industry, the required minimum registered capital exceeds any of the minimum levels prescribed above, such minimum requirement shall be separately prescribed by the relevant national statute or administrative regulations.
What are the regulations on foreign investor's proportion in a jointly invested or solely foreign-funded enterprise?
Article 14 The minimum registered capital of such national payment and settlement organizations to be established is RMB one hundred million Yuan.
Article 7 The minimum registered capital of an auto financing company shall be no less than RMB500 million yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies.
第七条 汽车金融公司注册资本的最低限额为 5亿元人民币或等值的自由兑换货币。
Insurance supervision and administration department may adjust the minimum amount of registered capital in the light of the business lines of an insurance company and its operational scale.
If deduct the pay after the word under minimum wage standard, ought to spend hair knock off according to specified number of minimum wage level endowment.