Neutral stress



1)Neutral stress,中和应力2)stress concentration and discontinuity,应力集中和应力间断3)catastrophe and concentration of stress,应力间断和应力集中4)neutralization reaction,中和反应5)neutralization,中和反应6)neutral reaction,中和反应


The catastrophe and concentration of stresses as well as the stress contributions subsequent to the cav.


The phenomena of the right and the left bifurcations as well as the catastrophe and concentration of stresses are observed.

 研究了一种可压超弹性材料组合球体中的空穴生成问题,得到了组合球体在径向拉伸作用下空穴生成时分叉问题的解,包括均匀变形的平凡解和有内部空穴生成的分叉解· 给出了空穴生成时的分叉曲线和球体中的应力分布,观察到了右分叉和左分叉现象及应力间断和应力集中现象· 通过能量的比较分析了解的稳定性·

The catastrophe and concentration of stresses are discussed.

研究了一种不可压Valanis_Landel材料超弹性球体在表面死载荷作用下的球形空穴的分叉问题· 给出了空穴分叉问题的解析解 ,讨论了空穴生成时的应力间断和应力集中问题· 通过能量比较判断了解的稳定性 ,并分析了球体中预存微孔的增长情况

The effect of ultrasound on neutralization reaction with sulfurous acid and calcium hydroxide;


The technological characteristics of neutralization reaction in DAP production are discussed.

分析磷酸二铵生产中和反应工序的特点 ,运用双闭环比值控制液氨、磷酸两物料量 (酸氨比 ) ,介绍双闭环比值控制系统方框图、投运方法、参数整定 ,该比值控制对提、降负荷比较方便 ,副流量能自动跟踪主流量提降 ,并保持两者比值不

RESULTS:Neutralization reaction not only overcame the difficulty of Rifampicin s dissolution in water,but also avoided the irritation to eyes caused by using ethanol as.

结果 :利用酸碱中和反应不但解决了利福平溶解困难和滴眼液的渗透压问题 ,还可避免以乙醇为溶剂而产生对眼睛的刺激性。

Effects of pH value after neutralization on structure and properties of brominated butyl rubber


In this paper,neutralization and multi-decomposition is used to synthesis HA on thermo-dynamical analysis basis,and analyzes the influential factors:temperature,pH value,the way and the velocity of adding materials,and supersonic,etc.

本文采用中和反应和复分解反应制备HA ,并分析讨论了温度、pH值、加料方式、加料速率及超声波等对合成HA的影响。

Using amino alchols and sultones as the starting material, a series of novel chiral anion type ionic liquids could be synthesized via two simple steps including a nucleophilic ring-openning reaction and a neutralization.
