prospective tenderer
In our country,significance standard concrete manifests into criterion of investors decision-making,standard of sensi.
Only with suitable methods and strategies established,the bidder may succeed in bid-ding for a construction project and make a higher profit.
Only when applying scientific method and ingenious strategy,could the bidder be successful and make a great profit.
This paper points out, mainly by analyzing four typical concepts of reader, namely, Riffaterre s "the supperreader", Iser s "the implied reader", Fish s "the informed reader" and Eco s "the model reader", that the theories of reader are valuable in emphasizing the reader s creative role in reading on the one hand, but impracticable in guiding an act.
Normally, no bidder should be permitted to alter his bid after bid has been opened.
Article15 Tenderers shall not submit tenders in collusion with one another to force the tender price up or down.
Bid submission; delivery of Bids: The act of a Bidder handing over his Bid to the purchaser.
Tenderers who have been pre-qualified may update and augment the information supplied with their application for pre-qualification, and, in particular, shall give particulars of work in hand at the date of tendering.
All bidder shall submit their bid before may 10th, 1989.
Bid price [contract]: The price that a Bidder specifies in the Bid form for the delivery of goods or completion of the works.
The tenderer shall submit a basic tender which complies fully with the requirements of the tender documents.
The tenderer is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, forms, terms, specifications and drawings in the tender documents. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Instructions to Tenderers will be at the tenderer's own risk.
Upon the furnishing by the successful tenderer of a performance security in accordance with the provisions of Clause34 hereof, the Employer will promptly notify the other tenderers that their tenders have been unsuccessful.
A tenderer shall not collaborate with the party inviting tenders to exclude competitors from fair competition.
"invitation to Bid, to tender: A notice issued under competitive Bidding procedures calling on Bidders to submit Bids for contracts."
Research on Revenue Effect of Jump Bidding of Bidders in Ascending Auction
Where bidders submit tenders in collusion and harm the interests of persons inviting tenders or other bidders,
Article25 A bidder is a legal person or other organization which responds to an invitation of bids and participates in the bidding competition.
Only those applicants who are determined pre-qualified through prequalification assessment, could be invited to submit bids.
Their objectives were compatible with the interests of North American investors.
It is forbidden for bidders to offer bribes to the tenderers or members of the bid assessment committees for winning.
An invitational tender means that a tenderer, in the form of invitation for submission of bid, invites specified legal persons or other specified organizations to submit their bids.
- noise level
- ball-and-socket joint
- Test method for heat of hydration of cement―The heat of solution method
- refusal criteria
- monitoring desk
- radius of cut
- strength development
- acetate overlay
- mosaic tile
- self-occupation
- structure
- greening
- angular
- disk type power float
- Detailed Design Review Panel
- Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects
- Kiln drying
- project financial evaluation
- distribution box
- field repair
- filler joist floor
- stabilization works
- underpinning
- reinforcing angle
- stone tie
- fixture
- upgrade a slope
- load hoisting mechanism
- additions policy
- reinforced
- reinforced coating
- reinforced gunite
- reinforced cement mortar
- reinforced plaster
- reinforced earth
- reinforced fill proprietary product
- batten cleat
- Stiffened suspension bridge
- bracing sticks
- stiffener