automatic washing tank



1)automatic washing tank,自动冲洗水箱2)automatic flush tank,自动冲洗箱3)automatic flushing cistern,自动冲水箱4)flushing tank,冲洗水箱5)automatic flushinig cistern,自动冲洗贮水器6)flush tank,冲洗水箱;冲洗池


This paper gave an introduction to the working principle, design method and application of robust the siphon automatic washing tank.

介绍虹吸式自动冲洗水箱的工作原理、设计方法和应用 ;其结构简单 ,成本低廉 ,不损坏 ,宜于推广应

Therefore,by making use of the siphon theory,the author has desighed an intermission automatic washing tank that can automatically wash the tunnel without any human control and power.

为此设计出一种利用虹吸原理的间歇式自动冲洗水箱 ,不需人为控制 ,不需动力 ,能达到自动冲洗便坑的效果。